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Blog Makanan <b>di Sarawak</b>: Luar TeKo: Makanan Wajib <b>Makan Di</b> <b>...</b> Posted: 13 Aug 2015 11:28 AM PDT SARAWAK JUNCTION: 10 <b>MAKANAN TRADISI DI</b> SARAWAK - Blog Makanan di Malaysia SARAWAK JUNCTION: 10 <b>MAKANAN TRADISI DI</b> SARAWAK SARAWAK JUNCTION: 10 <b>MAKANAN TRADISI DI</b> SARAWAK Posted: 13 Aug 2014 11:25 PM PDT Alfred Jabu flew out Sarawakians to dress up as grateful "rural folk" and parade at the IEA as people who had benefitted from SALCRA The prominent London-based free market 'think tank', the Institute of Economic Affairs, has been put in an embarrassing position over an apparent conflict of interest, thanks to remarks by Sarawak's Deputy Chief Minister, Alfred Jabu. Jabu, in a speech earlier this week, boasted about his "world-wide acknowledgement" by the Institute, thanks to being granted a platform in January, at the launch of a supposedly independent report on palm oil, commissioned by the IEA. Sarawak Report has now investigated the matter and uncovered compromising links between the on-going PR campaigns sponsored by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council and this IEA report. The report, entitled reflects the arguments of the MPOC and praises the Malaysian palm oil industry, claiming it "has a good record with regards to sustainability": "Certainly, some loss of forest and wildlife habitat has occurred as a result of the expansion of agriculture, including oil palm, in Malaysia, but the extent of this loss appears to have been exaggerated. The majority of palm oil plantations are located on the Malaysian mainland peninsula – nowhere near the states of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo where the Borneo orang-utans are to be found. Over 50 per cent of Malaysia's land area remains under forest cover and many areas are given full protection against logging"[IEA Report, October 2013] Massive deforestation – the reality of Sarawak's oil palm industry The author of the report, which clearly defies all the known evidence about this most rapidly deforested area on the planet, is a member of the Institute's own Editorial Board, Keith Boyfield, who told Sarawak Report that the entire report was commissioned by the IEA, which published it as a 'discussion paper'. Yet Boyfield, who operates his own consultancy, has enjoyed two recent trips to Sarawak, funded by none other than the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC). Not only that, it turns out that Boyfield was accompanied on at least one of these occasions by senior staff of the IEA, including the chief operating officer, Glynn Brailsford, who also enjoyed the hospitality of the MOPC. And their chief host on these trips? None other than Boyfield's fellow panellist at the IEA event, Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu, the Chairman of the controversial SALCRA (Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority)! Keith's Malaysian Government host Alfred Jabu enjoying a platform at the IEA with the launch of its 'research paper' on palm oil Only natural! Boyfield has confirmed to Sarawak Report that his trip was funded by the Malaysian Government: "We got an invitation from the Malaysian Government….They [the MPOC] certainly were responsible for organising some of it. That was the background. The study was commissioned by the IEA" When informed that there have been a number of PR drives of this nature by the MPOC, Boyfield appeared to contradict the IEA's ethical guidelines, which bann government sponsorship and tied funding, saying: "Well that's only natural!" He also confirmed he was hosted and escorted by SALCRA to their own plantations. SALCRA has forced thousands of native customary land owners into statutory 'joint ventures' with the state government to grow palm oil with highly controversial outcomes. The trip in April 2012 was variously described in Sarawak's government controlled media as a "press trip" (Borneo Post), a trip of "international experts" (Star) and as "a visit by an 8 member delegation of the IEA" (Sarawak Monitor) Hearing SALCRA's side of the story – but was this genuine or "tied" research? [The Star Archive] Rock solid rules on 'tied funding' These visits and links to the Malaysian Palm Oil Council by the author of the report and "fellow" of the IEA clearly breech the purpose of the Institute's own "rock solid rules" against any "tied funding" to research or government sponsorship, as explained by a spokeswoman for the Institute this week: "in terms of our funding we don't take any tied money, so the paper would have been commissioned purely on the merit of the work that is in it. And again we don't accept any money from government or government agencies" Responding to our queries, the spokeswoman admitted that given the clear involvement of the MPOC and Jabu in Boyfield's research and the IEA's own compromising links, "it is a very complex and inter-twined matter". She added "I understand obviously that it may be the case that the conclusions in Keith's paper aren't necessarily a true reflection of how things are, and that may well be to do with a number of other factors, but in terms of the relations we have, we did not take any tied money". Posing as representatives of SALCRO "smallholders" at the IEA It is a weak position to take and the Institute's will have been further embarrassed by the fact that Jabu and the Malaysian Palm Oil Council have not hesitated to extract maximum positive PR from both the IEA visits to Borneo and the resulting return trip to London to launch the IEA's positive report on Malaysia's record. 'Native smallholders' flown to the UK To take advantage of the IEA event the MPOC flew over three "Sarawak smallholders" to join Alfred Jabu on stage. The MPOC named the trio on their promotional 'faces of palm oil' Facebook page, as Thomas Lamit, Rebecca Lambet and Briku Busang. All three dressed up in tribal costume for the evening, in order to present themselves to the British onlookers as delighted native beneficiaries of the SALCRA 'joint venture' programmes. Later, the same trio dressed in ordinary clothes, posed outside the Houses of Parliament to record a You Tube video, in which they took turns to condemn NGOs and to boast how they now have new homes and cars, thanks to oil palm and SALCRA. This video, entitled 'Human Faces of Palm Oil', was sponsored by SALCRA and the MPOC. In it the lead speaker claims, untruthfully, that "palm oil cultivation in Sarawak is done on land already cleared long ago, so there is no destruction of forest". Malaysian Government funded this "smallholder's" trip to the UK to attend the IEA event and produce promotional material on oil palm In the same video Rebecca Lambet describes her own family's rich new lifestyle, including multiple car ownership. These are circumstances that bear little relation to the reality of life for most dirt poor Dayaks living on SALCRA plantations. Furthermore, these PR friendly "smallholders'" are noticeably advanced English-speakers, considering they are supposed to be rural folk. Despite the IEA's attempt to distance themselves from "tied funding" these 'faces of palm oil' clearly had their trip funded by the Malaysian public. PR dividends for the Malaysian Oil Palm Industry It is therefore clear is that Keith Boyfeild and his IEA event have just provided the latest platform for yet another publicly funded publicity stunt by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council in their on-going 'greenwash campaign' promoting palm oil. And the MPOC generated publicity around Boyfield's Sarawak visits wholly undermines any attempts by the IEA to claim distance or objectivity for their research. Boyfield (3rd left) and Jabu on his 'press trip' in 2012. In the article he lavished praise on BN's record in Sarawak, saying it was time to "correct misperceptions in western countries" For example, during his MPOC funded visit in 2012, Boyfield was quoted extensively by the KTS-owned Borneo Post (below), who portrayed him as a senior international journalist, relentlessly praising the Sarawak state government and its record on logging, oil palm and the environment: "The state government should do more to promote the positive things it has been doing with regards to nature conservation to correct misperceptions, especially among western countries…Keith Boyfield, the spokesperson for a delegation of foreign media to the state, said… Sarawak oil palm expert, thanks to his week long trip? He opined that at the moment Sarawak had been too modest in its campaign to tell the world about its conservation efforts, and because of that it had been subjected to criticisms particularly in Britain and Europe about the way oil palm plantations were being developed here… "Most of the things we hear about are always threats to the habitats and also constant theme of the elimination of mangrove swamps and rainforests when in actual fact that doesn't appear to be the case," he said... Boyfield, who is a regular contributor to The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and other leading newspapers and journals including Financial Centres International, said before this there had been a lot of criticisms in Great Britain and Europe about the way oil palm plantations were being developed in Malaysia and Indonesia… "There also have been sort of view from people in Britain that Malaysians or the people of Sarawak are cutting down all the virgin rainforests and eliminating the habitats for mammals like orang utans so that they could grow oil palm," he noted. He explained that the purpose of the delegation was basically to see with their own eyes whether some of the claims and accusations made in the western media corresponded to reality, saying what they discovered proved that those reports were untrue."[Borneo Post 28/4/12] Boyfield's quoted opinions on these matters appear to have been furnished by his week long visit, hosted by SALCRA and being shown round SALCRA plantations by Alfred Jabu. They contradict widely known facts and betray a lack of genuine investigation on the ground. Indeed his own reports on Twitter at the time focused less on the conditions in dirt poor Dayak longhouses and more on his sponsored accommodation in the Taib family's Hilton Hotel! Report from the ground? – excited tweets from Boyfield about his luxury experience of Sarawak in Kuching's Hilton A bit of time in the interior of Sarawak would surely have informed Mr Boyfield a little better, because according more quotes in the Borneo Post, he then came out with the astonishing claim that the state's oil palm plantations were merely conversions from the traditional rubber plantations and that the virgin jungle remains intact! "This is because from what we see so far is it appeared that your palm oil plantations have actually switched from other commodities such as rubber and now you have been cultivating palm oil instead of other commodities. "It is not so much of you cutting down lots of primary rainforest as claimed by some western media," he [Boyfield] commented [Borneo Post] Fact check for Keith Boyfield These remarks by Boyfield were repeated throughout the Sarawak media at the time and also later when the IEA report was produced. One widely disseminated article was entitled "British experts say criticisms from foreign NGOs on environment are exaggerated": British experts say criticisms from foreign NGOs on environment are exaggerated "The Institute of Economic Appeal (IEA) has produced a report entitled "Commercial Agriculture: Is It A Cure Or A Curse, Malaysian and African Experience Constructed" by Keith Boyfield. The report highlights the roles played by SALCRA in spearheading a move to develop native customary right land into commercial plantation….. This very favorable report was produced by The Institute of Economic Appeal an Independent Body following a visit by its 8-member delegation to Sarawak sometime in April 2012, During the visit, members of the delegation led by Mr. Keith Boyfield had dialogue sessions and discussions with members of local business community, representatives of statutory bodies and general public including participants in the land development schemes. They visited Palm Oil Plantation at Sungai Stengang in Stungkur, conducted interviews with many SALCRA scheme participants and visited Palm Oil Mill. After visiting Sarawak they visited Peninsular Malaysia for the same purpose. Great PR material for BN's cyber-bloggers To the contrary, we suggest it is time that Boyfield shook off the MOPC, took a more independent visit and checked his facts. Because, this expert of one week was soon engaging in public debates and making his ignorance plain – claiming for example that "property rights are pretty well respected in Malaysia" and that the concept of Land Grabs is too "emotive" and "nuanced" with respect to the oil palm debate. Academic tour or the usual tourist junket courtesy of the Sarawak government ? Mr Boyfield should contact Sarawak's expert native land rights lawyers, who have seen numerous court victories ignored by the state government and outfits like SALCRA, and think again. No immigrant workers? Boyfield has also claimed that during his 'academic visit' to Sarawak he observed that everyone he met working on oil palm plantations was a local person and not a migrant worker! "In Sarawak it strikes me because traditionally its been a much poorer part of Malaysia than the peninsula they're able to recruit locally". Mr Boyfield should contact any of the grassroots indigenous groups, who could tell him of the major problem with respect to the vast immigrant labour force in Sarawak and the uneconomic wages for local people, even on their own SALCRA "smallholdings", and then speak again. Great dividends from SALCRA? In yet another article, promoting his concept that the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry should be encouraged to expand into Africa for the benefit of the world poor, Boyfield even plays the SALCRA 'dividend game', ie spouting big figures without finishing the maths: "In Sarawak, standards of living have been transformed by commercial agri-business… Farmers associated with SALCRA, a group set up to develop native land rights in Sarawak, have earned $163m individend payments since 1985″ [Keith Boyfield, The Enquirer, Liberia] Given Boyfield himself acknowledges that there are around 22,000 SALCRA members, this sum in fact calculates over the 30 year period to about $200 a year per family, in return for the sacrifice of their rightful native lands and forests to the government controlled 'joint ventures', managed by Alfred Jabu. World's worst CEO? Ordinary shareholders have gained little from SALCRA – only BN cronies and himself have profited As everyone in Sarawak knows, the smallholders from SALCRA have received virtually nothing in return for the surrender of their lands and that Jabu's dividends have been paltry compared to the rich profits made by privately run oil palm ventures. Neither did these native customary rights land owners receive one ringgit from the huge sums raised out of logging the timber from their lands to make way for the SALCRA palm oil plantations (less than 5% of virgin forest remains in Sarawak – just another fact check for Mr Boyfield). Only government ministers, like Alfred Jabu and their cronies, have raked in hundreds of millions from the land grab policies of the State of Sarawak. The Dayak remain as poor as ever. Attacking NGOs MPOC was about to hire FBC Media, before SR exposed their illegal activities and closed them down But rather than check his facts and balance his arguments, this British consultant has chosen instead to adopt the Malaysian Palm Oil's obsession with attacking NGOs. In Malaysia free speech and independent opinion are treated like crimes by BN politicians, who find all criticism highly damaging, since they usually can't answer it. But, why should a British onlooker condemn legitimate concerns raised by NGOs in the same way? This week, when Jabu again went on the attack over native protests against Sarawak's latest dam building and 'industrialisation programme', the DCM as ever blamed "selfish foreign NGOs who are being paid" for "inciting" them. He revealed his own paid for PR in the process: "From overseas they get support from negative NGOs, but these people from overseas what do they know about our internal potential? I went over to London last January at the invitation of the Institute of Economic Affairs to be one of the panel speakers whereby my presentation to overseas has been acknowledged worldwide by the Institute of Economic Affairs in London. And I have been invited again to go to Belgium to tell the NGOs in Europe about our need to survive. Our own people, not because of the selfishness of the NGOs who are being paid, I know i've got records, by countries they collect money to finance the NGOs to disturb us here and I'm going to fight that, for the sake of Sarawak." [recorded speech] Sarawak Report will investigate Jabu's Belgium event. But, meanwhile why has Mr Boyfield has adopted the same anti-NGO line in his supportive articles for the MPOC? "GLOBAL food security and the need to save Africa's poor from starvation have dominated international discussions for decades, and were key themes at the latest G8 summit. Yet the goal has triggered a raft of accusations from campaigning NGOs that business is guilty of "land grabs" across tropical Africa. The Guardian's George Monbiot, for example, claims that we are about to witness "a new set of agreements that allow foreign companies to grab [Africa's] land, patent their seeds and monopolise their food markets. This is scaremongering of the worst order and symptomatic of an ill-thought out attack on capitalism's role as a generator of prosperity."[Keith Boyfield, The Enquirer] FBC Media would have been proud of all this from Mr Boyfield – they were the last British champions for the MOPC and they adopted exactly the same theme in their which was later disowned by the BBC. But, when Ministers like Alfred Jabu start hurling unsubstantiated accusations about "paid NGOs", engaged by foreign powers to undermine Malaysia, someone should remind him about the millions of ringgit that are being wasted by the Malaysian Government itself on engaging this sort of blatant PR from consultants like Keith Boyfield. It is always public money wasted, because people like Boyfield always get rumbled. [Sarawak Report is still awaiting promise clarifications by the IEA, in response to our critique of its "complex and intertwined" relationship with the MOPC] Blog Makanan di Putrajaya: folio <b>makanan tradisional di malaysia</b> <b>...</b> Posted: 07 Jun 2014 11:38 AM PDT
There're lots of choices to stay in Malaysia, so it's tough to decide where to stay? Mid-range hotels and 5 stars hotels with Chinese, Indian or Malaysian traditional cuisine and cozy rooms are easily available for vacationers/visitors anywhere in cities. You can enjoy luxury hotels or resorts located on islands. Accommodation is so cheap in Malaysia, you can easily get a room for $ 3 to $ 9 USD/night. Private rooms are available for $ 11 to $ 20 USD/night. You can camp in Taman Negara and can save lodgings cost. Anyways, here're some suggestions. Lone Pine Hotel, located Batu Ferringhi, Penang Island, posses welcoming staff, stunning swimming pool, lip-smacking food, and calm atmosphere with beautiful sea views. You can get a huge variety of cocktails in bar corner. Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-La, located on Batu Ferringhi beach, Penang Island, is a fantastic family resort, offers services such as water sports, tennis court, delicious food, pools, cozy rooms, hospitable staff and family entertainment center. Its cuisine includes Bar & Grill pizzas and seafood, tea/coffee, snacks, pastries. Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur, in Kuala Lumpur City Centre, is a fantastic hotel with superb services. Welcoming staff, comfortable rooms, suspended pool and delicious Malaysian food make it more worthy staying. Tanjong Jara Resort, located on Batu, Dungun, is one of the top 25 hotels in Malaysia, offers services such as Spa village, Pools, tennis court, delicious dining out, air-conditioned rooms, seafood and bar. You can spend a relaxing morning with coffee and newspaper on the beach. Berjaya Tioman Resort, located in Pulau Tioman, is a traditional Malay style resort, offers services like pools, golf, tennis court, spa, coffee, snacks, global drinks, tasty food, air-conditioning cozy rooms and water sports including diving, fishing, snorkelling etc. The Majestic Hotel, Majestic Malacca, Cameron Highlands Resort and Sama-Sama Hotel, in Kuala Lumpur, Holiday Villa Beach Resort & Spa and Four Seasons Resort in Langkawi, Miri Marriot Resort & Spa, Mega Hotel, Grand Palace Hotel and Imperial Palace Hotel in Miri, Seven Terraces, Yeng Keng Hotel, Museum Hotel and Hotel Panega are also wonderful places to stay in Malaysia. As far as meal is concerned, you can have it in restaurants, western hotels , cooking own when living in camping or as a street meal and just have to pay $1 to $3 USD /head for street meal, $4 to $6 USD/head in restaurants while western food is a bit expensive. Malaysia is a Muslim country that's why drinks are expensive here. Anyways, here are some suggestions of restaurants for you. Dining in the Dark, located on Changkat Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, is an amazing restaurant deeply into darkness and offers delicious food including soups, desserts etc. Black Forest, located on Changkat Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, offers German cuisine. Kebaya, located on Stewart Lane, Georgetown, Penang Island, offers good services and food. Living Room Cafe Bar & Gallery, located on Batu Ferringhi, Penang Island, is a good place for families, lovebirds, special occasion or groups. You can enjoy Bar, Asian and Eclectic cuisine here until late night. Top Spot Food Court, located Bukit Mata Kuching, Kuching is a family restaurant, offers best seafood and opens until late night. Jambu Restaurant and Lounge, located on Crookshank Road, Kuching is a restaurant offers best pasta in town. It also deals with Bistro, Bar for cocktails and Tapas etc. Black bean, The Heritage, Tribal Stove and Bella Italia are also superb restaurants in Kuching with the fantastic setting near river. La Casa Kuantan, Crocodile Rock Pizza & Grill Restaurant, Satay Zul, and Dallah Restaurant in Kuantan offer great services with superb cuisine. Malaysia is a country with many attractions or points of interests and more exciting thing is those are quite cheap. Here're some suggestions, and you must visit those places once you are in Malaysia. Birch Memorial Clock Tower, located in one of the biggest cities of Malaysia named "Ipoh". Here're plenty of attention-grabbing sights such as museums, temples and historical buildings. Galeria Perdana, Rice Museum, and Padi Langkawi, in Langkawi, are amazing places with precious stuff and collection, to visit. Langkawi is a beautiful island with lovely beaches and plenty of interesting sights. Ave Stella Maris Catholic Chapel is a beautiful church. Langkawi Wildlife Park and Underwater World are educational and exciting places with lots of fun. The Islamic city "Kota Bharu" is a great city with royal places, museums, and plenty of other eye-catching sights. Taman Negara National Park is a beautiful park in oldest rainforest Taman Negara. It's a place with lots of activities like trekking, safaris, and canopy walks. Islamic Art Museum, Petronas Twin Towers, Putrajaya Bridge, Petrosains Science Discovery Centre, Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, Thean Hou Temple, and Lake Garden Parks are some suggested amazing places to visit in Kuala Lumpur. Mount Kinabalu National Park, is the best choice for hiking, this Park is full of fun and will never disappoint you on your visit. Malaysia is a land of festivals and celebrations as multicultural people exist here. Tourists or vacationers can enjoy these festivals almost every month of the year. Here are some suggestions for our visitors. Tamil Community celebrates festival named "Thaipusam". It's a unique festival that is worth seeing. It can be best observed at Batu Caves in Selangor or Penang, in Januanry. Chinese New Year is celebrated in February and last for 15 days. You can enjoy lion dances, fireworks, and delicious Chinese meal. In April, Good Friday and Malaysia Water Festival are celebrated. Wesak Day, and Harvest Festival are celebrated in May. June is a month with amazing festivals like Hari Gawai and Dragon Boat Festivals. July and August are the months with festivals such as the Rainforest World Music Festival, Independence day, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hungry Ghost Festival. September becomes more colorful with Malaysia Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. Hari Raya Haji, Deepavali Festivals of Lights, and Christmas are celebrated in October, November and December. Malaysia is not less than a heaven for shopaholics. Super international brands have covered Malaysian market and have luxury stores here. Sales at shopping mall attract many tourists every year. Mega Sales held on Christmas and Independence Day and last up to two months. Utama, BB Plaza, Fahrenheit88, Lot10, Plaza Low Yat, Suria KLCC and Sogo are some remarkable shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur. ICT@Komtar, Island Plaza, Midlands One Stop, Plaza Gurney, Prangin Mall, Queensbay Mall and Straits Quay are some suggested shopping centers in Penang. Langkawi Fair is a beautiful place for a shop in Langkawi. Malaysia is a country with beaches. Therefore, beach holidays can be enjoyed all around the year. Summer season is mild, and usually climate is pleasant in Malaysia so you can visit it in all seasons. Anyhow, December and January are two peak tourists' seasons. From June until August is also a good time to enjoy beaches activities. I assure you, your vacations to this country holding natural beauty, would be a treasured and unforgettable experience. Blog Makanan di Sabah: folio <b>makanan tradisional di malaysia</b> <b>...</b> Posted: 29 May 2014 03:26 AM PDT Makanan Tradisonal Melayu RENDANG Rendang adalah masakan tradisional bersantan dengan daging lembu sebagai bahan utamanya dan disediakan dengan santan, lada, bawang, daun kunyit, daun limau purut dan kerisik. Rendang sesuai dihidangkan sebagai lauk, dimana ia dimakan dengan lemang, nasi, pulut kuning atau pulut kunyit, ketupat palas atauketupat pulut, ketupat nasi, roti atau diratah makan begitu saja. Kebanyakkan bahagian daging lembu yang digunakan untuk membuat rendang ialah daging batang pinang. Rasa dagingnya yang lembut dan sedap. Rendang amat popular dan disajikan sebagai hidangan pada hari-hari perayaan seperti Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha mahupun disaji pada kenduri-kenduri seperti tamat berzanji, majlis perkahwinan, majlis berkatan atau bersunat, kenduri doa selamat, kenduri harijadi dan sebagainya. Masakan ini sangat digemari di semua kalangan masyarakat baik di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia juga di Malaysia khususnya di Negeri Sembilan. Rendang Tok pula terkenal di Negeri Perak KETUPAT Ketupat ialah sejenis hidangan daripada nasi atau pulut yang dibungkus dengan daun kelapa dan direbus dalam periuk yang terkenal di Malaysia, Indonesia serta beberapa negara Asia Tenggara lain.Jenis ketupat bergantung kepada bahan yang digunakan dan daun yang digunakan untuk membuat bungkusannya.Ketupat pulut ialah ketupat yang mengunakan beras pulut sebagai bahan asasnya, manakala ketupat nasi dibuat daripada beras. Biasanya dibungkus dengan daun kelapa. LONTONG Lontong ialah makanan istimewa Indonesia dan Malaysia yang diperbuat daripada beras yang dikukus selepas dibungkus dengan daun pisang.Lontong biasanya dihidangkan dengan sate, rojak atau gulai kambing. Walaupun makanan ini mirip dengan ketupat, lontong lebih sering ditemukan di banyak kedai makan di Indonesia dan Malaysia kerana cara pembuatannya adalah lebih mudah daripada cara membuat ketupat. Sebaliknya, ketupat lebih kerap ditemukan pada Hari Raya Aidilfitri.Lontong berwarna hijau di luarnya, sedangkan berwarna putih di dalam. Lontong banyak ditemukan di pelbagai daerah di Indonesia dan Malaysia sebagai pengganti nasi putih. Walaupun kedua-dua ini diperbuat daripada beras, lontong memiliki bau harum yang istimewa. NASI LEMAK Nasi lemak merupakan masakan tradisi dan masakan popular orang Melayu di Malaysia. Ia patut dijadikan makanan kebangsaan Malaysia. Ia bukan sahaja menjadi kegemaran orang Melayu tetapi turut di pelopori oleh kaum Cina dan India. Nasi lemak dahulunya dihidang untuk sarapan pagi tetapi pada masa kini dijadikan hidangan sepanjang hari. Ia juga turut dihidang pada rumah terbuka dan dijadikan salah satu menu di hotel-hotel.Nasi lemak turut diiringi dengan beberapa lauk sampingan: kari ayam, rendang, sambal dan ayam goreng Makanan Tradisional India Tosai Tosai ini mempunyai banyak nama lain. Tosai juga dikenali sebagai dosa, dosay, dose, dosai, dhosha, thosai ataupun chakuli.Tosai juga terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis seperti tosai telur, tosai cili, tosai bawang dan sebagainya. Makanan tradisional ini sering dimakan oleh rakyat Malaysia terutamanya kaum india.Tosai boleh didapati di mana-mana gerai atau kedai mamak dan juga di restoran india. Makanan tradisional ini berasal dari India.Tosai dimakan sebagai sarapan pagi atau makan malam.Tosai amat kaya dengan karbohidrat dan protein. Tosai dimakan dengan pelbagai jenis lauk sampingan. Contohnya,sambar,sambal dari buah-buahan,acar india,kari ayam atau daging kambing dan lain-lain. Di dalam tosai,ia diisi dengan kentang dan bawang yang telah di goreng sehingga ranggup. MURUKKU Murukku juga mempunyai nama-nama lain. Nama lain murukku ialah chakli dan chakri.Makanan tradisional ini juga berasal dari negara India.Bahan utama murukku ialah urad dan tepung beras.Murukku boleh didapati di mana-mana sahaja dan dihidangkan sebagai makanan ringan.Murukku amat lazat dan senang untuk disediakan. Murukku dapat dibuat dengan pelbagai perasa seperti cili,asafoetida,ajawain dan cumin.Semua orang daripada pelbagai kaum menikmati makanan ini tidak kira umur.Rakyat United Kingdom merujuk murukku sebagai chakri di negara tersebut. IDLI Idli juga berasal dari India.Idli mempunyai banyak jenis. Contohnya, sanna,rave atau sambar idli.Ia dimakan sebagai sarapan pagi ataupun sebagai makanan ringan.Makanan ini sering dihidang dengan sambal dari buah-buahan,sambar dan lain-lain.Bahan utamanya ialah vigna mungo dan nasi. KARI Kari ialah nama untuk berbagai-bagai hidangan berempah yang terkenal di Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan negara-negara yang lain di Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara. Serupa dengan teh, kari yang berasal daripada India merupakan salah satu daripada beberapa hidangan yang benar-benar bersifat "Se-Asia". Konsep kari kemudian dibawa ke Barat oleh penjajah-penjajah British di India pada abad ke-18. Walaupun demikian, hidangan-hidang kari di Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat jarang dipanggil sedemikian dalam bahasa asli masing-masing di sana. Makanan Tradisional Cina NASI AYAM Nasi ayam Hainan merupakan makanan Cina yang sering dikaitkan dengan makanan Malaysia atau Singapura, dan juga ditemui di negara berjiran Thailand, serta juga di wilayah Hainan, China. Nasi ayam Hainan yang dinamakan sedemikian karena asal-usulnya dalam makanan Hainan dan pengamalannya oleh populasi orang Cina seberang laut bersuku Hainan dalam kawasan Nanyang, versi makanan ini yang didapati di Malaysia/Singapura menggabungkan unsur-unsur masakan Hainan dan Kantonis ditambah lagi dengan citarasa makanan di Asia Tenggara. YONG TAU FU Di Malaysia, kawasan Ampang di Kuala Lumpur khususnya terkenal dengan hidangan ini. Pokoknya, hidangan ini dimulakan pada awal 1960-an oleh sebuah restoran bernama "Chew Kuan" di mana tauhu dibubuh pes daging ikan atau khinzir, dan dengan itu hidangan ini bernama "Yong Tau Foo," yang bermaksud "tauhu yang dibubuh." Sejak itu beraneka sayur-sayuran dan masakan goreng juga turut dibubuhi sedemikian, jadi nama Yong Tau Foo pun digunakan untuk memaksudkan mana-mana makanan yang disajikan sedemikian. CHAR KUEW TEOW Char kway teow merupakan makanan yang popular di Malaysia. Ia diperbuat daripada kuey teow (shāhé fěn dalam Cina Mandarin), leper dan kira-kira 1 cm lebar, digoreng di atas api panas dengan kicap dan sos, cili, udang, kerang, telur, tauge dan kucai Cina. Kadangkala hirisan sosej Cina dan kek ikan atau bahan-bahan lain ditambah mengikut citarasa setempat. Pada asalnya ia dimasak menggunakan lemak babi, yang memberikannya rasa tersendiri, namun kini sering dimasak menggunakan minyak biasa. Berbanding kuey teow goreng biasa, char kway teow agak basah.Char kway teow mempunyai reputasi sebagai tidak menyihatkan akibat kandungan lemaknya. Akan tetapi, semasa masakan ini dicipta, sasaran utamanya ialah para buruh. Kandungan lemak yang tinggi dan harganya yang murah menjadikannya popular di kalangan buruh sebagai sumber murah tenaga dan nutrien You are subscribed to email updates from Makanan tradisional di Malaysia - Google Blog Search To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now. 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Luar TeKo: Listing Tempat <b>Makan</b> Best & Special <b>di Kuching</b> Posted: 20 Apr 2015 07:34 AM PDT Malam ni datang rajin pula nak update tempat-tempat makan special.dan sedap di Kuching ni. Mungkin boleh dijadikan panduan buat korang yang bakal datang ke Kuching Sarawak ataupun mereka-mereka yang dah pun ada kat sini. Jangan tak tahu, kadang- kadang aku yang orang local ni pun boleh tiba- tiba tak tahu mana nak suggest tempat makan best kat Kuching ni. So dibawah ni, senarai beberapa tempat makan best, sedap dan special yang korang boleh terjah bila kat Kuching: 1. Salleh Corner Special: Muslim Seafood, Tomyam Udang Galah, Kerabu sotong, Nasi goreng Racun dll. Lokasi: Perumahan Astana Kpg Tunku, Jln Astana, Kuching 2. Kedondong Cafe Special: Mee Apek dan menu mee dan nasi goreng yang superb. Lokasi: bersebelahan klinik abd rahman 3. Celebrity Cafe Special: Nasi goreng Cornbeaf, kuetiaw Goreng, Nasi goreng ayam dan menu-menu sampingan lain. Lokasi: Bersebelahan Lock Ann Satok 4. Bukhari Cafe Special: Nasi Briyani Ayam dan Kambing yang sedap dah super banyak Lokasi: Satok. Berdekatan dengan Secret Recipe Satok 5. ADM Cafe Special: Menu nasi campur yang sedap dan lain dari yang lain. Makanan style kampung. Ulam ulaman. Lokasi: Foodcourt Kubah Ria 6. Foodcourt Kompleks Baitulmal Special: Nasi briyani Johor, Nasi campur, masakan ala thai.dll Lokasi: Aras 3, Kompleks Baitulmal Kuching. Belakang Hopoh. Link: 7. Mom's Laksa Special: Laksa Sarawak , Laksa Penang, Meehoon Belacan, Mee Kolok, Mee Pok Lokasi: cawangan Gita, cawangan Kubah Ria, cawangan Matang Link : Laksa Sarawak Mom's Laksa Power 8. RJ Ayam Penyet Satok Special: Ayam Penyet Bakar, dan menu- menu lain Lokasi: Satok Link: Nasi Ayam Penyet @ RJ Ayam Penyet Kopitiam 9. Ratu Ayam Penyet Special: Ayam Penyet dan menu-menu lain Lokasi: Matang 10. Ket's Kitchen 11. Kopi O Corner Special: Nasi campur, mee jawa, laksa sarawak dll. Lokasi: Satok (bersebelahan Raja Ayam Penyet) Link: Prataroll di Kopi O Corner 12. Super Cafe Special: Mee Kolok, Mee Jawa Sate, Nasi Ayam, Mee Kampua, Mee Kari, Roti Canai, Mee Cendawan dll. Lokasi: Pending. Bersebelahan Rajah Court Cafe. 13. Kafe Muzium Sarawak Special: Mee Sup Ikan, Mee Brunei, Mee Goreng, Nasi Goreng Daging, Nasi Lemak, Laksa Penang Lokasi: Di area Muzium Sarawak, dan dibelakang Hotel Merdeka Palace 14. Yong Cafe Special: Nasi Briyani, Mee Goreng, Kuetiaw Goreng, Bakso, Laksa Sarawak, Mee sup. Lokasi: Satok. Berdekatan dengan Bs superstore Satok. 15. Teh tarik Cafe (Kubah Ria) Special: Nasi Penyet Ikan, Nasi Kerabu dll. Lokasi: Kubah Ria. Berdekatan dengan 3H cafe 16. Teh Tarik Cafe (Medan hamidah) 17. J & J Medan Hamidah 18. Rimba 12 Special: Nasi Ayam Penyet Lokasi: Bersebelahan Arif Hotel/ di Saddad Court lama 19. Madam Tang Special: Laksa Sarawak, Homemade Kolo Mee Lokasi: Petanak 20. Annuar Steamboat Special: Banyak pilihan makanan laut Lokasi: berdekatan dengan Telang Usan Hotel. 21. Pelbagai Stall di Arif Hotel Special: Nasi Kerabu, western food, makanan kelantan Lokasi: di perkarangan bawah Arif Hotel 22. Trenos Cafe Special: Western Food Lokasi: Batu 3, bersebelahan Mcdonald Bt 3 23. Pak Somet Special: Nasi Ayam Penyet Lokasi: Berdekatan dengan Sarawak Plaza 24. El Buey Special: Western Food Lokasi: Jln Haji Taha 25. Kubah Ria Food Court Special: Pelbagai Makanan Lokasi: Kubah Ria 26. Benteng Satok Special: Pelbagai makanan (laksa sarawak, mee jawa, mee kolok, sate, ayam panggang dll.) Lokasi: Kubah Ria. Di bahagian belakang Kubah Ria Food Court 27. Top Spot (Stall Bukit Mata no. 25) Special: Makanan seafood, midin belacan, umai, dll. Lokasi: Bangunan UTC Sarawak 28. Cendol Mami Special: Cendol Pulut Durian, Mee Belacan, Popia Sengkuang Lokasi: Di Bangunan Kedai Lama Maarof, Gita 29. Mangkok Special: Boat Noodles Lokasi: Jln Ajibah Abol, Kampung Nombor. Link: 30. Doreen's di Kubah Ria Foodcourt 31. Planet Sambal 32. London Kebab 33. The Eating Garage 34. Kuching Station 35. Warung Nusantara 36. De'Tamu Cafe (24 jam)
Ada lagi tempat- tempat makan best dan special di Kuching? Just update me k. :) Ohya, kalau nak tahu menu atau makanan wajib korang kena cuba atau makan di Kuching Sarawak, korang boleh gi ke entry terbaru ni> Makanan Wajib Makan Di Sarawak Video di bawah adalah beberapa menu wajib yang anda cuba jika ke Kuching, Sarawak. Banyak lagi menu sebenarnya, just intro beberapa dulu ye. Selamat menonton. ![]() | ||||
Tempat <b>Makan</b> Menarik <b>di Kuching</b> - Kg. Gersik - Come <b>Sarawak</b> Posted: 13 Aug 2015 03:03 PM PDT Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera, ini adalah entry yang ke 9 senarai kawasan pelancongan menarik di Malaysia, kali ini kita akan menjelajah ke Negeri yang popular dengan gelaran Bumi Kenyalang iaitu Negeri Sarawak. Seperti yang ada sedia maklum, sempena dengan tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014, saya akan menyenaraikan info-info dan tempat pelancongan yang menarik yang ada di setiap negeri di Malaysia & sebelum ini saya menyenaraikan tempat pelancongan yang menarik di Perak, Pahang, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Perlis, Negeri Sembilan dan Sabah anda boleh klik link di bawah untuk membaca entry terdahulu.
Negeri Sarawak antara negeri yang terbesar di Malaysia, negeri yang kaya dengan pelbagai khazanah alam semula jadi, Negeri di Malaysia yang mempunyai Paling banyak Taman Negara seperti Mulu Caves National Park, Niah National Park, Gunung Gading National Park, Batang Ai National Park dan lain-lain. Jadi untuk entry kali ini saya menyenaraikan kawasan-kawasan pelancongan lain yang menarik untuk dilawati sekiranya anda datang ke Negeri Sarawak, jadi jom lihat senarai di bawah :P List Of Interesting Places In Negeri Sarawak, Malaysia Senarai Kawasan Pelancongan Yang Menarik Di Negeri Sarawak, Malaysia Mulu Caves National Park is home to one of the longest networks of caves in the world. Here lies the worlds largest underground chamber, the Sarawak Chamber, capable of accommodating forty Boeing 747 airplanes. In Mulu, you will also find one of the worlds biggest cave passage, Deer Cave, which can fit five cathedrals the size of Saint Pauls in London. Another key attraction is Clear Water Cave, the longest cave in Southeast Asia. The massive caves here are home to millions of bats and cave swiftlets that swarm out into the jungle in great clouds every evening at dusk! The outdoorsy type will be pleasantly surprised by some of the best examples of tropical limestone weathering in the world, including enormous razor-sharp pinnacles, deep-cut canyons, appropriately named The Pinnacles. There are tough but rewarding multi-day hikes available from the resort. A guide and porter are recommended Niah National Park the scenery is spectacular and breathtaking . The area is a center of human settlement as early as 40,000 years ago , and has one of the largest cave entrance in the world, the Paleolithic and Neolithic cemeteries and wood carvings, frescoes iron-age . Cave paintings are situated near the house wall paintings that tell a boat trip off the head of life after death , including the remnants of the wreckage "death ships" that are scattered on the floor of the cave - boat-shaped coffins (its contents were transferred to the Sarawak Museum ) . The surrounding area is also decorated by thick forest and is home to many species of plants and wildlife. Until now , the caves remain as an important place for people from the local community , such as birds' nests and guano collection to be important for their economic resources . Niah Caves is a very pleasant place if you want to stay here a few days, although some of the major attractions are open during the day for visitors. Niah National Park is located in Sungai Niah , about 3 km from the small town of Batu Niah , Miri 110km southwest . The park has a visitor center and a nice stay , and very easy to walk around it in the presence of plankwalk network throughout the park . A pair of good walking shoes and a flashlight are essential items that should be taken Gunung Gading National Park / Taman Negara Gunung Gading Gunung Gading is home to the world's largest flower, the rafflesia, which can grow up to one metre in diameter. When in bloom the flower gives off a nasty smell which attracts flies and other insects. The rafflesia has no specific season but the rainy season provides better blooming frequencies. It takes nine months to mature and flowering lasts only 4 or 5 days before dying. Seeing a blooming rafflesia is certainly the highlight of a trip to Gunung Gading, but the Park and the whole Lundu area are well worth visiting anyway. The rugged mountain peaks that make up the Park provide a scenic backdrop to the nearby town of Lundu, and the nearby beaches at Pandan and Siar. Gunung Gading also has some enjoyable walks and a challenging jungle trek Lampir Hill National Park / Taman Negara Bukit Lampir The Lampir Hill National Park is located along the Miri-Bintulu road, about 30km south of Miri Town. With area about 6,952 hectares, it was gazetted and opened to public on 1975. The park is consists of the central portion of the Lambir Hills, a rugged east-west trending sandstone escarpment with a maximum height of 465 meters, has an outstanding regional and global conservation significance for its extraordinary species-rich forest which is ideal for botanist and researchers throughout the world. 1,050 different species of tree out of 7,000 total species and over 1,000 species of insect life are found within the small sample area of 52ha. The park covered with more than half of the area with rich natural mixed Dipterocarp forest, where huge, tall Dipterocarp trees such as Kapur, Meranti, Kempas and Selangan Batu. Shorter trees like Rhu Bukit, Selunsur Bukit, low shrubs, pitcher plants and orchids are found in the Kerangas forest. Apart from the various tree species, the park is very rich in other plant species such as ferns, gingers, vines, palms, mushrooms, moss and lichen, flowering and fruiting shrub trees, climbers and creepers. The fungi of Lampir hill are numerous and remarkable, this including the phosphorescent (illuminate) species that glows in the dark. Animals like bats, monkeys, pangolins and barking deer are those found as well and more than 150 species of birds have been recorded. Batang Ai National Park / Taman Negara Batang Ai Batang Ai National Park is located in the Sri Aman Division of Sarawak, in eastern Malaysia on the island of Borneo. It is located in Lubok Antu, some 250 kilometers east of Kuching. The Park is located at Sarawak about 250km from Kuching City with a covering area of 24,040 hectares of rainforest and the artificial lake. The lake is also the Sarawak's only artificial lake, which stretches up to Skrang, Lemanak, Engkari and Ai Valleys. The artificial lake now acts as a water dam that feed to the Batang Ai Hydro Electric Complex to generate the electricity for Sarawak's use. Batang Ai National Park was gazetted as a protected area in early 1991. Visitors can take a boat ride upriver from the dam, about an hour's of boat ride to see beautiful lowland mixed dipterocarp forest, with drooping trees overhanging the rivers. The rivers are fast flowing, clear and very refreshing. The water level gets quite low during the dry seasons where visitors normally have to help push their boats upstream. Here, the main mode of communication is river transport. The park is home to many protected species like the Orang Utan, hornbills and gibbons. Other major attraction upriver is the Iban longhouse. This longhouse gives the authentic atmosphere as most of the longhouse dwellers still practise their traditional lifestyle. The Ibans produce local handicrafts, like their 'Pua Kumbu', rattan backpacks 'selabit', rattan mats and even gourd for collecting water. Please note that, if you are staying in Iban longhouse, you need to be aware of local Iban customs so as not to offend anybody. Bako National Park / Taman Negara Bako Sarawak's oldest national park was established in 1957, covers a modest 27 sq. km., and is about 37km from Kuching. It's known for its extraordinary natural scenery, habitats, plants and wild life. Its most significant features are secluded coves and rugged rocky headlands with magnificent steep cliffs that overlook the South China Sea. The sea spray, wave action and the wind have also carved out magnificent sea arches and sea stacks at the base of the cliffs, some rearing above the waves like a mighty serpent's head. The attractive sandstone formations appear pink with iron patterns on the cliff. Further inland, waterfalls tumble down into freshwater pools in a tranquil and idyllic jungle setting. Bako contains an incredible variety of plant species and vegetation types, and this is one of the parks great attractions. At Bako it is possible to see almost every type of vegetation found Bako is also home to approximately 275 rare proboscis monkeys, found only in Borneo. The best times for seeing wildlife at Bako are just after dawn and just before dusk, when the animals are at their most active. Bako is a fascinating place for bird watching, as over 150 species have been recorded here. Bakos extensive trail system is made up of 16 colour-coded jungle trails which offer a range of walking and hiking options. The fit and adventurous can opt for full- day jungle hikes or overnight camping expeditions, whilst those who prefer to take it easy can opt for a relaxing forest walk. Kuching Town / Bandar Kuching Described as one of the most attractive cities in Southeast Asia, Kuching is the State capital. It is a city rich in history, and modern day Kuching is a delightful blend of modern structures and old-world charm. Kuching is divided by the Sarawak River; the south is a commercial residential area, dominated by Chinese, while the north shore is predominantly Malay in character, with old kampong houses lining the river. The two parts of the city are very different in character and even have separate mayors and separate town halls Kuching means 'cat' in Malay and there are a number of suggestions as to how Sarawak's capital acquired the name. Local legend has it that James Brooke (see section on 'history'), pointing towards the settlement across the river, enquired what it was called. Whoever he asked, mistakenly thought he was pointing at a passing cat. If that seems a little far-fetched, the Sarawak Museum offers a few more plausible alternatives, the most likely of which is that the town may have originally have been known as Cochin – port – a word commonly used across India and Indochina. Sarawak Cultural Village / Perkampungan Budaya Sarawak Known as the 'Living Museum', the Cultural Village was set up to preserve and showcase Sarawak's cultural heritage. Located at Pantai Damai, Santubong, just 32km from the state capital, Kuching, it is the perfect place to get introduced to local culture and lifestyle. Sprawled across 17 acres, there are about 150 people living in the village, demonstrating traditional daily activities from Sarawak's diverse tribes like the processing of sago and the making of handicrafts. They wear traditional costumes and also put on dances for visitors. The village residents provide information on their various traditional cultures and lifestyles. You can see replicas of buildings that represent every major ethnic group in Sarawak; longhouses of the Iban, Bidayuh and Orang Ulu, a Melanau tall-house and a Chinese farm house among others. The village also has a theatre, where you can enjoy multicultural dance performances. Besides this, there is a restaurant and handicraft shop. You can even get married at the Sarawak Cultural Village, in traditional Iban, Malay, Bidayuh or Orang Ulu style. The Iban longhouse has separate rooms placed side by side, all of which open to a long communal hall, used for leisurely activities like wood carving and basket weaving. Guests are often invited to attend nightly ceremonies and drink a potent rice wine, tuak, which the Iban make themselves. Comfortable guesthouses are also available for visitors. Jong's Crocodile Farm / Taman Buaya Jong's Situated at 18 Miles (29km) Kuching/ Serian Highway, a 20 minute leisure drive from Kuching Town, the capital of Sarawak, Land of Hornbills, boasts one of the largest and the only crocodile breeding farm in the country. Set amidst the charming backdrop of tall tropical trees, lush vegetation and local fruit trees lies this unique farm with over a thousand crocodiles bred in captivity. The farm provides a perfect sanctuary for the reptiles, saving the species from extinction. There are huge and deep concrete ponds and natural breeding grounds for the crocodiles to mate and multiply. Visitors are able to gaze at the snapping jaws, cold menacing eyes, sharp pointed teeth and powerful lashing tails of the crocs within short distance yet safe because of the metal fence. Apart from crocodiles there are also numerous rare species of birds and animals found only in the Borneo Island. Visitors can have the enchanting experience of walking freely among the monkeys, leopard-cats, sunbears, bearcats, pheasants, civets, barking deers, sambar deers, turtles, fruit bats, monitor lizards, pythons and even hornbills. Bungai Beach / Pantai Bungai Location: Miri, About 1 hour drive from Miri and situated near Kampung Bungai in Bekenu is Bungai Beach. Bungai Beach is popular with beachgoers who appreciate its pristine beach, clear waters, and the beauty of the untouched surroundings. Its relatively secluded and a great spot to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Entry ini ditulis khas menyokong kempen tahun melawat malaysia 2014. P/s: Macam mana dengan senarai kawasan pelancongan menarik yang ada di Negeri Bumi Kanyalang, sangat menarik bukan? Jadi apa lagi jom melancong ke Sarawak! Diharapkan entry boleh dijadikan sebagai rujukan / panduan sekiranya anda mencari info dan senarai kawasan yang menarik ada di sekitar Sarawak dan jangan lupa bookmark entry ini :P
Senarai di atas hanyalah sebahagian kecil daripada tempat yang wajib dikunjungi sekiranya anda mengunjungi Sarawak, jadi bagi anda yang mempunyai info / maklumat tambahan mengenai kawasan pelancongan menarik yang ada di Sarawak di rungan komen sebagai rujukan kita bersama :P ![]() |
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